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Our Design and Price Tool

At Domaine Homes, we have made building your first home a faster, smarter and even easier process than ever before with our latest ‘Price Your Home Tool’. You can now design and price your dream home online, anytime from the comfort of your home. Know what you’re getting and how much you are spending before you step into a display home. Making things simple with transparent pricing for over 44 years, that’s our Domaine

Just 9 easy steps

Begin designing the perfect home for your future self by following our easy and flexible step-by-step process below.


Find out which home is best suited to you by selecting the requisites relative to your needs. Alternatively, you can automatically select your chosen home design by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines on the top right corner of the tool. This will list down our array of single and double storey homes


Choose your preferred floorplan by browsing through our array of options and additions. If you’ve selected to add a floorplan option, you may have noticed that this will also automatically pop up and modify the floorplan shown.

3 & 4

Once you have selected the outline of your home, you can then skim through our range of facades and renders available for your single or double storey design, giving you the time and space to weigh out your options.


Now comes the exciting part! Find out what your proposed home will look like by browsing through our selection of external colour schemes and choose one that suits your style.

6 & 7

Once you have finalised the home design, floorplan and façade style, it’s time to begin pricing your home inclusions by choosing your preferred upgrade packs. Choose between our levelled kitchen, bathroom, laundry, comfort and electrical packs as well as any additional ones listed. If you wanted to add on any extra inclusions to your packs, this can also be chosen in Step 7 with all available lifestyle options!


And again, browse through our selection of internal colour schemes to determine the look and feel of the inside of your home.


Once you have your final quote priced up in the bottom right corner of the tool, select whatever promotion we have on offer and watch the numbers go down!

Building Made Easy

Domaine commends itself for its efficient building process from your first step into one of our display centres to the first step into your very own built home.  We have created a simple step by step process that will allow you to move on from contract to construction to handover in no time.

  We offer:

  • A Fast streamline process 
  • Affordable Home Prices and Inclusions
  • Easy and fixed designs

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Why choose Domaine?
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Why choose Domaine?

Upon deciding that you want to build your first home, you are faced with a wave of endless decisions that follow. Domaine Homes recognises the anxieties that tend to come along with building your first home and have created a streamline process that will allow you to breeze through your building journey quickly, conveniently and stress-free.  

Backed by the Clarendon Residential Group, we are 100% Australian owned and carry over 40 years of experience behind us. We are that confident with the quality and result of our homes that we provide a Lifetime Structural Guarantee, promising you a reliable and easy journey long after your home has been built

To get in touch and kick start your building journey, enquire with us today!


An Easy Online Experience is our Domaine

An Easy online experience is our Domaine. Our website covers everything from where to start your building journey to how to style your home post handover. Our online experience creates an easy space for both existing clients to explore their home build journey and be knowledgeable on what are the progressing stages as well as non existing clients, who are researching home builders trying to find the best quality build at the best quality price to suit their needs or who are looking for some interior inspiration, we have the space for you.